welcome back

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to the 2024–2025 school year at Menlo Park School! We are very excited for another terrific school year with the Menlo Park School community. The strong bond of positive relationships between students, staff and parents makes Menlo a successful school, and an amazing place to learn and grow. We are all excited about the upcoming school year, and we hope you are, too!

First, let us welcome our newest staff members.

• Mrs. Chelsea Hendricks – Kindergarten Teacher

• Mrs. Kendall Mellinger – Second Grade Teacher

• Mrs. Brieann Caruso – Fourth Grade Teacher

• Mr. Cal Hackworth – Fourth Grade Teacher

• Ms. Catherine Schilp – Fourth Grade Teacher

• Mrs. Elizabeth Snee – Instructional Coach

• Ms. Sydney Westcott – Fourth Grade Teacher

• Mrs. Nicole Grimshaw – Vocal Music Teacher

• Ms. Jessica Bazan – Spanish Teacher

• Mrs. Alison Dzuiban – Spanish Teacher

• Mrs. Dana Lapenta - Secretary

Again, a hearty welcome to our newest staff members.

The Parent Portal contains important forms, which need to be completed. Once completed, you will have access to your child’s Genesis student account. Class/School supply lists were sent out on August 2, in our Weekly Warm up. They can also be found on our school webpage, http://men.edison.k12.nj.us/

***Special Note

In order to maintain an orderly and safe dismissal, parents may not sign their child out between 3:00pm and 3:30pm. If you need to sign your child out early, it must be prior to 3:00pm.

First Day of School

September 5th Students should arrive at 8:45am on Thursday, September 5th. Grades 3, 4, and 5 will enter door 2. Kindergarten and grades 1 and 2, will line up with their teacher on the blacktop near the basketball court. Teachers will be outside with signs to collect the students. This will also occur on Friday, 9/6, Monday 9/9, Tuesday 9/10 and Wednesday 9/11. Beginning Thursday September 12, Kindergarten will enter door 20, and grades 1 and 2 will enter door 1 for the remainder of the school year.

Parent Drop Off for Regular Schedule School Day

All students must remain in their cars in the queue until 8:45am. Please remain in the cars until Dr. Feldman or I indicate to exit the vehicles. Parents must remain in the vehicle. Students will then proceed into the building and will go directly to their classrooms. Students cannot arrive before 8:45am.


When picking up your child all parents must stand 50 feet away from the doors in order to allow students to exit the building. In addition, Monroe Ave is closed to traffic from 3:00pm – 3:45pm. All students dismiss at 3:30PM. All Kindergarten students will exit door 20 and line up on the black top. Grades 1 and 2 will exit door 16 and line up on the blacktop. Grades 3 and 4 exit door 2. Grade 5 exits door 3.

Back to School Nights

We will have two Back to School Nights. Tuesday, September 17th will be for grades Kindergarten,1, 2, MD/LLD classes and all specials teachers. The second Back to School Night is on Wednesday, September 18 th for grades 3, 4, and 5. Both evenings will have two sessions beginning at 5:30pm. Session one 5:30pm to 6:00pm and a second session from 6:10pm to 6:40pm. Important reminder that our Back to School Nights are for parents only, children are not permitted.

More information about the specifics of the evening will be forthcoming, as we get closer to the dates.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the main office. Mrs. Bova, Mrs. Lapenta, Dr. Feldman and I are here to help. Thank you in advance for your partnership and cooperation. We look forward to an exciting and rewarding 2024 – 2025 school year.


Michael J. Duggan

Dr. Dena Feldman